Copy of Physicians Premier Bulverde


The newest iteration of Physicians Premier is put on display amidst a growing community in the Hill County of Central Texas. Addressing the medical needs for an under-served populace of families and empty-nesters, the new facility fills a void in the area’s social infrastructure.  Rather than build entirely new, the client adaptively re-used an unremarkable and defunct but highly visible commercial center overlooking Bulverde’s busiest thoroughfare. This insightful placement provides a solution to the urgent need of healthcare while also elevating and enriching the community streetscape and identity.

Contextual materials were selected to leverage the expertise of local trades through the use of wood, steel, and glass crafted with modern detailing.  A steel frame canopy shelters the main entrance and lobby which are carved-out from the street facing corner and left exposed through a rhythmic glass curtain wall.  To extend the visual texture of the entry a new exterior steel skin with a perforated gradient was graphed onto the existing blank facade.  Interior finishes and lighting were curated for a warm and familiar atmosphere without resorting to regionalist cliché. Necessary upgrades were made to bring the building beyond current energy standards and in line with user goals.

A portion of the programmed space is set aside as a district operations hub for this young and rapidly expanding enterprise.  An intricate and complex program coupled with a heavily regulated facility type make for a project that is both rigorous in execution and efficient in its operation.